Hamster Care

Hamsters make delightful pets. Solitary but affectionate, they are well-suited to pet parents who are most active at night. Hamsters have no detectable body odor and other than regular cage cleaning and proper food they are relatively low maintenance. Since they sleep during the day they are active in the evening and at night when most people are at home. A hamster can be a wonderful family member and an excellent pet.


When selecting a cage, keep in mind the golden rules of happy hamster housing. Syrian hamsters are solitary and must live alone. Dwarf hamsters, on the other hand, are more social and sometimes like to live in pairs. Do not house male and female dwarf hamsters together, since rodents breed quickly and often and usually have large litters.
Hamsters are big on exercise, so please make sure yours has a wheel for running, they also like to hide and sleep inside enclosed spaces, so you’ll need a small box with an entrance hole or a small flower pot for this purpose. And they love crawling through tubes, which can be homemade (empty cardboard tubes from paper towels and toilet paper) or purchased from a pet supply store. And finally, you may notice that your hammy is a major creature of comfort. Remember to give him/her soft bedding (pieces of paper towel or napkin) to shred and make a nest with.


Your pet hamster will do well on a good quality hamster mix, which contains seeds, grains, cracked corn and pellets, and is readily available at pet supply stores.
It is recommended that you also give your pet hamster fresh foods every two or three days. Try fresh grains, sunflower seeds and nuts (not too many, as these are high in fat), alfalfa pellets, and fresh fruits and vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, carrots and apples. Be sure to clean up any leftover fresh food to ensure that it doesn’t spoil. Never give your hamster raw kidney beans, onions, raw potato, rhubarb, chocolate, candy or junk food.
Fresh, clean water should be available at all times. It is best to use an inverted bottle with a drinking tube, which should be changed daily.

General Care

Don’t forget your regular housekeeping duties. Remove droppings, uneaten food and soiled bedding as needed. Every week, remove and replace all the bedding, and scrub the bottom of the cage with hot, soapy water.
A hamster’s teeth grow continuously, so your pet will need to chew to keep their teeth from getting to long. Make sure they always have a piece of wood or twig that has not been treated with pesticides, other chemicals or paints.
It’s important to get your hamster used to you, and used to being handled. Start by feeding your hamster treats; once he/she comfortable accepting treats from your hand, you can gently and securely pick him/her up. Hold him/her for a short time at first, and then gradually increase the amount of time as you feel he/she is becoming more comfortable.
Once you have hand tamed your hamster, you should let him/her play outside of the cage on a regular basis. Choose a secure, enclosed area, where he/she will be safe and free from any harm. Be sure to remove any electrical wires from the area, and anything else your curious pet could, but shouldn’t, gnaw on.

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